Updates from the field

Venance Kouakou, IYCN technical advisor, shares his experience supporting social centers in improving nutrition for OVC. Social center directors from 21 communities received packages of scales, height measuring boards, mid-upper arm circumference tapes, cook stoves, […]
Date: Jul 27, 2010 | Category: Updates from the field

Josephine Nyambe, behavioral change communications specialist for the IYCN Project in Zambia, shares her experiences developing a radio campaign to promote better nutrition for infants and young children. In January 2010, we began airing a […]
Date: May 3, 2010 | Category: Updates from the field

Benny Sikhakhane, consultant for the IYCN Project, shares his experiences working on a community-based nutritional measurement project in South Africa. On October 20th, I conducted an orientation for 46 community volunteers, including young mothers, grandmothers, […]
Date: Feb 11, 2010 | Category: Updates from the field

Denise Lionetti, IYCN project director, shares her experience at the National Infant and Young Child Feeding Stakeholders’ meeting below. During World Breastfeeding Week, I traveled to Kenya, along with my colleague Albertha Nyaku, IYCN’s […]
Date: Sep 15, 2009 | Category: Updates from the field

Rose Mireille Exumé, IYCN country coordinator in Haiti, shares her experience during World Breastfeeding Week in Grand Goâve and La Gonâve Island. On Thursday, August 6, I was in Grand Goâve, a small city in […]
Date: Aug 9, 2009 | Category: Updates from the field

Makatleho Masoabi, IYCN Country Coordinator, shares her experience with pretesting Lesotho’s new infant and young child feeding training curriculum. In April, I worked with the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare to pretest Lesotho’s new […]
Date: Jul 4, 2009 | Category: Updates from the field