Summary: This document summarizes the results of an assessment in Kenya’s Western and Eastern Provinces to learn how to best engage men in support of...
Topic: Behavior change communication | Region: Africa | Publisher Source: IYCN
Summary: This country brief offers a summary of IYCN’s efforts to enhance community- and facility-based nutrition services in Mozambique. The project...
Topic: Behavior change communication, Multilanguage resources, Technical publications | Region: Africa | Publisher Source: IYCN
Summary: This presentation, delivered at a satellite session at the XVIII International AIDS Conference in Vienna, Austria, in July 2010, describes IYCN’s...
Topic: Infant feeding and HIV | Region: Africa | Publisher Source: IYCN
Summary: The Nigerian National Policy addresses specific rationale, goals and objectives, and policy statements. National Policy on Infant and Young Child...
Topic: Policy and advocacy | Region: Africa | Publisher Source: External
Summary: This collection includes the national guidelines, plan, policy, and strategy for infant feeding in Niger. French: Plan National d’Action Pour la...
Topic: Multilanguage resources, Policy and advocacy | Region: Africa | Publisher Source: External
Summary: This resource manual aims to assist program managers and service providers in improving the nutrition and well-being of vulnerable children in...
Topic: Training and counseling | Region: Africa | Publisher Source: IYCN
Summary: This country brief provides an overview of IYCN’s activities in Nigeria to reduce maternal and child undernutrition and improve the HIV-free...
Topic: Infant feeding and HIV, Technical publications | Region: Africa | Publisher Source: IYCN
Summary: This brochure was developed to help health workers, donors, United Nations agencies, and other stakeholders understand Nigeria’s recent National...
Topic: Infant feeding and HIV, Policy and advocacy | Region: Africa | Publisher Source: External, IYCN
Summary: This report compiles findings and conclusions from several qualitative assessments, designed and implemented by the IYCN Project, and quantitative...
Topic: Agriculture and food security, Behavior change communication | Region: Africa | Publisher Source: IYCN
Summary: This document describes the experiences of IYCN and partners in influencing, shaping, and disseminating a new National Policy and Guidelines on Infant...
Topic: Infant feeding and HIV, Policy and advocacy, Technical publications | Region: Africa | Publisher Source: IYCN