Summary: This four-page fact sheet summarizes ways that agriculture projects can maximize nutrition and food security of women, children, and other vulnerable...
Topic: Agriculture and food security | Region: Global | Publisher Source: IYCN
IYCN designed this collection of Bengali-language communications tools, including take-home posters and product labels, for use in CARE’s Window of...
Topic: Behavior change communication, Training and counseling | Region: Asia | Publisher Source: IYCN
Summary: Analyzes behavior change interventions aiming to improve complementary feeding practices and children’s nutritional status and provides...
Topic: Behavior change communication | Region: Global | Publisher Source: IYCN
Summary: This report shares findings from a barrier analysis conducted on a community-based iron-folic acid supplementation program in Madagascar. Findings...
Topic: Maternal nutrition | Region: Africa | Publisher Source: IYCN
This document describes IYCN’s experience developing Bushes that Grow Are the Future Forest, a radio series on infant and young child feeding. Lessons...
Topic: Behavior change communication | Region: Global | Publisher Source: IYCN
This brief describes prevalent forms of undernutrition, offers effective approaches for preventing malnutrition, and provides cost estimates for implementing...
Topic: Policy and advocacy | Region: Global | Publisher Source: IYCN
Summary: The report describes findings from the IYCN Project’s literature review examining evidence on community interventions to promote optimal...
Topic: Behavior change communication | Region: Africa | Publisher Source: External, IYCN
Summary: Offers recommendations for program managers and community theater groups to integrate maternal, infant, and young child nutrition content into...
Topic: Behavior change communication | Region: Global | Publisher Source: IYCN
Summary: This report and handout summarize research intended to provide the information necessary to design effective activities to improve infant and young...
Topic: Behavior change communication, Research | Region: Africa | Publisher Source: External, IYCN
Summary: These materials (available in English and French) include a counseling flip chart and take-home brochures for mothers on exclusive breastfeeding,...
Topic: Infant feeding and HIV, Multilanguage resources, Training and counseling | Region: Africa | Publisher Source: External, IYCN